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About Us

Lots of tech support companies are out there. They all say they can do a good job for you. But how many of them actually take the time to understand your business?

Hunt For Solutions wants to learn about your business. There is no point in coming up with technological solutions that don't solve the actual challenges you are having. Every business is different. Every company has its own goals.

If you are in the Phoenix area, great! So are we. Are you located somewhere else? No worries. With an internet connection it is almost like we are there.

What is important is that you want your IT to be better than it is now. And we can help!


About Our Founder, Douglas Hunt

Technology doesn't have to be scary. It should be useful and not in your way. Few things are more frustrating than needing to complete a work assignment only to have technology fail you.

Doug founded Hunt For Solutions with the belief that tech should support the goals of the business. Tech by itself may look cool, but if it isn't moving your business forward, or even worse, is an obstacle, what good is it? Might as well go back to pen and paper if it isn't getting the job done for you.

Doug's many years of working for and with non-profits has honed the knowledge and skill set needed to bring the technology benefits that for profit companies enjoy, to the world of non-profits. Non-profit clients and staff should benefit from technology to the point that they forget it is there.

Continual improvement is important in business and the technology that supports it. And we can provide that!

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